In this interview program, Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explains "Value chain business"
He introduces komatsu's efforts providing services and solutions and supporting customers' equipment management throughout the entire lifecycle of the equipment.
May 14, 2024 [12min.33sec.]
Third Interview with the President in FY2023: Online meeting with individual shareholders
On 19th December 2023, Komatsu held online meeting with individual shareholders.
You can find the materials in English from the link at "For details" below.
Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explained Komatsu's overview, mid-term management plan, growth strategy and efforts for solving ESG issues.
Mr. Horikoshi, Director and Senior Executive Officer & CFO, explained business results and shareholder return.
Dec. 19, 2023
In this interview program, Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explains "Komatsu Report 2023"
Komatsu regards the Komatsu Report as a tool for starting a constructive dialogue with our stakeholders. The president introduces the structure and key points of each section in this interview.
October 13, 2023
First Interview in FY2023: Online meeting with individual investors
On August 4th, 2023, Komatsu held online meeting with individual investors.
You can find the materials in English from the link at "For details" below.
Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explained Komatsu's overview, mid-term management plan, efforts for solving ESG issues, and business results and shareholder return.
Aug. 4, 2023
Fourth Interview in FY2022: Komatsu's Human Resources Development
In this interview program, Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explains "Komatsu's Human Resources Development."
He introduces Komatsu' efforts including enhancement of Diversity & Inclusion, improvement of employee engagement, and development of global-scope talent.
February 07, 2023
Third Interview with the President in FY2022: Online meeting with individual shareholders
On 20th December 2022, Komatsu held online meeting with individual shareholders.
You can find the materials in English from the link at "For details" below.
Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explained Komatsu's overview, mid-term management plan, efforts for solving ESG issues.
Mr. Horikoshi, Director and Senior Executive Officer & CFO, explained business results and shareholder return.
Dec. 20, 2022
Second Interview in FY2022: Expansion of Underground Hard Rock Equipment Business
In this interview program, Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explains “Expansion of Underground Hard Rock Equipment Business.”
He introduces Komatsu’s efforts to expand the underground hard rock equipment business, including the background of business expansion, development of new products and methods with partners, and provision of digital solutions at underground mining workplace.
August. 04, 2022
First Interview in FY2022: Mid-term Management Plan(FY2022 –FY2024)
Komatsu embarked on the new three-year, mid-term management plan “DANTOTSU Value –Together, to “The Next” for sustainable growth” in April 2022.
In this interview program, Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explains its background, growth strategies, and efforts to address ESG issues.
May. 12, 2022
Fourth Interview with the President in FY2021: External risks and countermeasures in the supply chain
In this interview program, Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explains "External risks and countermeasures in the supply chain".
He explains Komatsu's efforts to counter external risks, such as global cross-sourcing and making our Chinese subsidiaries wholly owned subsidiaries.
Mar. 22, 2022
Third Interview with the President in FY2021: Online meeting with individual shareholders
On 14th December 2021, Komatsu held online meeting with individual shareholders. You can find the materials in English from the link at "For details" below.
Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explained Komatsu's overview, mid-term management plan, efforts for solving ESG issues. Mr. Horikoshi, Director and Senior Executive Officer & CFO, explained business results and shareholder return. Dec. 14, 2021
Second Interview with the President in FY2021: Most recent business conditions
In this interview program, Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explains Komatsu's most recent business conditions.
He introduces Komatsu's efforts to accelerate "the realization of safe, highly productive, smart and clean workplaces of the future together with customers," including the launch of the Komatsu GHG Alliance and the development of the Power agnostic truck.
Aug. 3, 2021
First Interview with the President in FY2021: Komatsu's 100th anniversary
In this interview program, Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explains 100th anniversary commemorative activities.
Being mentioned the scheduled date for reopening of "Komatsu-no-mori" in the interview, it was changed from May 14 to June 1. This date is subject to change in accordance with requests from the government and local authorities due to the status of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Apr. 9, 2021
Fourth Interview with the President in FY2020: Progress of growth strategies
In this interview program, Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explains progress of growth strategies.
Feb. 8, 2021
Third Interview with the President in FY2020: Online meeting with individual shareholders
On 23rd December 2020, Komatsu held online meeting with individual shareholders.
You can find the materials in English from the link at "For details" below.
Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explained Komatsu's overview, mid-term management plan, efforts for solving ESG issues.
Mr. Horikoshi, Executive Officer & CFO, explained business results and shareholder return.
Dec. 23, 2020
Second Interview with the President in FY2020: "Workplaces of the future: Safe, highly productive, smart and clean"
Komatsu defined its' future direction of realizing the "safe, highly productive, smart and clean workplaces of the future" together with our customers.
Aug. 5, 2020
First Interview with the President in FY2020: COVID-19 Effects on Komatsu Group's Business and Progress towards Mid-Term Management Plan
On 18th May 2020, Komatsu held a conference call to announce business results for FY2019.
This is the part of the teleconference. Mr. Ogawa, President & CEO, explains "COVID-19 Effects on Komatsu Group's Business and Progress towards Mid-Term Management Plan" with materials.