Consolidated business results for three months of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 (U.S. GAAP)

July 29, 2024

Komatsu Ltd. today announced its consolidated business results for three months of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 (U.S. GAAP). The highlights are described below.

1. Results for three months ended June 30, 2024

For the first three-month period (April 1- June 30, 2024) of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, consolidated net sales totaled JPY 959.8 billion, an increase of 6.7% from the corresponding period a year ago. In the construction, mining and utility equipment business, while sales for construction equipment decreased, that for mining equipment remained steady in all regions except Asia. There was also the effect of the Japanese yen’s depreciation and improved selling prices, thereby sales decreased from the corresponding period a year ago. In the industrial machinery and others business, sales increased from the corresponding period a year ago, supported primarily by increased sales of large presses for the automobile manufacturing industry and increased maintenance sales in the excimer laser-related business for the semiconductor industry.

With respect to profits for the first three-month period under review, operating income increased by 6.8% from the corresponding period a year ago, to JPY 157.0 billion. This was supported by the Japanese yen’s depreciation and improved selling prices in most regions of the world, which more than offset the adverse effects of reduced sales volume in the construction, mining and utility equipment business. The operating income ratio increased by 0.1 percentage point from the corresponding period a year ago to 16.4%. Income before income taxes and equity in earnings of affiliated companies increased by 1.6% from the corresponding period a year ago to JPY 150.5 billion. Net income attributable to Komatsu Ltd. increased by 4.1% from the corresponding period a year ago to PY 109.7 billion.


2. Projections for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025(FY2024)

Komatsu makes no change in the projection of April 26, 2024, concerning consolidated business results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.

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No : 0032(3257)
Corporate Communications Department
Sustainability Promotion Division
Komatsu Ltd.
tel: +81-(0)3-6849-9703

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