Announcement on changes in sub-subsidiaries(establishment of a new company)

Feb 18, 2025


Komatsu Ltd. (“Komatsu”) hereby announces that the Komatsu resolved at a meeting of its Board of Directors held on February 18, 2025, to reorganize a wholly owned subsidiary of Komatsu in the U.S. and its wholly owned subsidiaries (sub-subsidiaries of Komatsu). As a result of this reorganization, there will be changes in the sub-subsidiaries (establishment of a new company) as described below.

1. Details and reasons for reorganization
The sales and services functions for construction and mining equipment in North America, currently handled by Komatsu America Corporation ("KAC"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Komatsu in the U.S., and the sales and services functions for mining equipment in North America handled by Komatsu Mining Corporation, a subsidiary of KAC (a sub-subsidiary of Komatsu), will be transferred to a new company (a sub-subsidiary of Komatsu) that KAC will establish in the U.S. As a result, KAC will specialize more in supervising operations for the North American region once the transfer is complete.
The purpose of this reorganization is to enhance the customer convenience and the governance.

2. Overview of the subsidiary and sub-subsidiary which will transfer part of their business to the new sub-subsidiary

3. Overview of the sub-subsidiary which will be newly established

4. Establishment date of the new company
March 31, 2025 (scheduled)

5. Future Projection
The impact of this reorganization on the financial results of the Komatsu Group will be insignificant because these changes are due to a reorganization between consolidated subsidiaries. 

No : 0083(3308)
Corporate Communications Department
Sustainability Promotion Division
Komatsu Ltd.
tel: +81-(0)3-6849-9703

*The information may be subject to change without notice.