With business

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are international goals unanimously adopted in a resolution called the 2030 Agenda by member countries at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. Serving as a shared blueprint for prosperity for people and the planet, SDGs target the achievement of a sustainable world by 2030. Komatsu is aggressively promoting the achievement of SDGs.

Click here to learn more about the relationship between our materiality analysis (material issues) and SDGs.

Materiality analysis
(Material issues)

We contribute to society through our business activities by providing our customers with safe and highly productive products, services and solutions that realize sustainable infrastructure development, resource development and a recycling-oriented society.

We contribute to society through our business activities by providing our customers with safe and highly productive products, services and solutions that realize sustainable infrastructure development, resource development and a recycling-oriented society. 

Improving safety of products and solutions

Safety is our number one priority. From providing safe products to ensuring unmanned systems which are the ultimate form of safety, Komatsu innovation seeks to create value that exceeds customer expectations in every way including safety.  

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Quality assurance ~Our responsibility to customers~

“Customer first” is fundamental to everything we do. Maximizing customer satisfaction is foremost in our minds as we constantly reassess, improve and reinvent how every division and department from development and manufacturing to marketing, service, and administration operates.

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We build relationships with our business partners and local communities that enable mutual trust, fairness, co-existence and co-prosperity.

We build relationships with our business partners and local communities that enable mutual trust, fairness, co-existence and co-prosperity.

Our business partners play a critical role in supplying with a substantial part of the materials, parts and components that go into our products. Through the aggressive promotion of CSR procurement throughout our supply chain management, we are endeavoring to achieve sustainable procurement on a global scale.

Procurement and supply chain management

Support for our business partners

Providing focused guidance for improving productivity, ESG and other challenges on a foundation of mutual trust, Komatsu Midori-kai is an association of our business partners, chosen for membership based on their critical contribution to our business and high standards.

We comply with the rules of society, including laws and regulations, and strive to respond sincerely to the requests and expectations of all stakeholders, including society.

We comply with the rules of society, including laws and regulations, and strive to respond sincerely to the requests and expectations of all stakeholders, including society.


Compliance/Risk management/Information security

While ensuring Group-wide compliance with the rules of business society, Komatsu strives to increase the total sum of trust placed in our company by society and all our stakeholders. Moreover, in order to maintain the sound and sustainable growth of our entire Group, we take all appropriate measures to recognize and manage all imaginable risks to the pursuit of our business.

Komatsu's social contribution activities

Leveraging the strengths of our business, we endeavor to give back to society.

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To empower a sustainable future where people, businesses, and our planet thrive together.

To empower a sustainable future where people, businesses, and our planet thrive together.

Sustainability activities

Komatsu is working together with stakeholders to empower a sustainable future where people, businesses, and our planet thrive together.

Sustainability sitemap

Sustainability policy and Management of sustainability

> Sustainability policy

> Management of sustainability

> Materiality analysis

> System for promotion of sustainability

> Dialogue with stakeholders

> Major achievements

> Comparison with global principles

> External recognition

> Green bond

> Sustainability-linked bond

View data on activities and initiatives

> Environmental data

> Amount of CO2 emissions by scope3


> Environmental education

> Environmental accounting

> Major environmental achievements in the previous year

> Scope of environmental data

> Independent practitioner's assurance

> CSR data

ESG Databook (archive)
> ESG Databook (archive)
Social contribution activities
> Social contribution activities