Undertaking social contribution activities in the communities where we operate is one of our important corporate responsibilities. We recognize and position social contribution activities as activities that are in alignment with the Sustainability Policy and do not directly generate earnings. Leveraging our strengths as a business, we seek to give back to the community and society in general.
Accomplishments and approaches for social contribution activities
Introduction to major activities Introduction to major activities
To empower a sustainable future where people, businesses, and our planet thrive together.
To empower a sustainable future where people, businesses, and our planet thrive together.
> Improving safety of products and solutions
> Quality assurance ~Our responsibility to customers~
> Outline of procurement policy and supply chain
> Overview of supply chain management processes
> Komatsu group's supply chain management and promotion of CSR procurement
> Support for member companies of the komatsu Midori-kai (management and society) )
> Support for member companies of the Komatsu Midori-kai (environment)
> Earth and environment policy
> Organizational chart of the environmental management structure
> Setting mid- and long-term targets and progress
> Relationship between business activities and the environment
> Mitigating climate change through products and service
> Reducing CO2 emissions in manufacturing operations
> Reduction CO2 emissions in logistics
> Development of our “Reman” remanufacturing business
> Activities to effectively utilize resources (1. waste)
> Activities to effectively utilize resources (2. water resources)
> Environmental initiatives at sales and service companies
> Environmental risk management
> Management of chemical substances and pollution prevention
> Reducing the use of substances of environmental concern
> Komatsu's efforts regarding water
> Management of sustainability
> System for promotion of sustainability
View data on activities and initiatives
> Amount of CO2 emissions by scope3
> Major environmental achievements in the previous year