“One World One Komatsu” Initiative
On the centennial anniversary of Komatsu's founding in 2021, we launched "One World One Komatsu", a platform to unite the efforts of our employees around the world.
Turning out lights when not in use, taking steps to reduce water usage, and other simple actions in daily life make a difference. We put the internal social media spotlight on these activities and raise their visibility. By mutually celebrating such efforts with “likes” and “hearts”, we encourage greater participation.
By expanding contributions to the environment and integrating these efforts in our communication, this approach to promote environmental action has been unprecedented.
In addition, Sri has been recognized for her active participation in the City Forest afforestation project promoted by the government.
City Forest is a 5-hectare reforested area located in Cibitung about 20 km from the company where Sri works. As a result of a project that planted more than 50 kinds of trees, City Forest has been granted provincial forest status by the governor of West Java Bekasi Province. Absorbing CO2 and exhaling oxygen, City Forest not only serves as the lungs of the town, but also as a classroom for students to learn about various plants and afforestation.
Here is just one of the places where the seeds and saplings of Sri’s selfless contributions are growing, blossoming, and bearing a huge harvest of fruit for the community and the world.
Imagine the future we can create when we act as one.
From “waste not, want not” resource conservation practices and energy-saving habits in everyday life to participation in afforestation projects, the scope of environmental action by Komatsu employees continues to expand. Komatsu's strength is our global diversity.
The programs and activities under the “One World One Komatsu" banner play a very important role in fully demonstrating that strength. No matter how small the contribution of a single individual, the sum of all these efforts combine to have a big impact on the global environment.
The 385 teams of Komatsu employees participating in "One World One Komatsu" initiative around the world have successfully undertaken over 120,000 activities.
Komatsu is committed to sustainability management with the aim of realizing a sustainable society and the sustainable growth of our business.